Couple’s Cooking Classes

If you are seeking a totally unique bonding activity to share with your better half, a couples’ cooking class could be just the ticket, particularly for honeymooners. The old saying “a way to a man’s heart is through his stomach” still reigns true, but in our times of equal opportunities, the same goes for a woman’s heart. So what better way than a cooking lesson with the one that you love.

Here are just some ideas to look out for that make great romantic cooking classes.

Sushi 4 Two

Sushi is a great couple’s cooking class to start with as it combines artistry and fresh products that are light on the stomach to get you in the mood. As it is unlikely that either of you are experts in this type of “cooking,” unless, of course, you are of Asian descent or a sushi chef, the risk of competitive bossiness is less probable (and we all know we are guilty of that)!

Sexy Canapés and Appetiser Class

If you don’t think your couple will have the patience to cook a roast turkey dinner or learn how to make lasagne from an Italian chef, then canapé and appetisers are a great compromise. A lesson that shows you how to prepare oysters would be completely sexy too.


Lessons in How to Prepare Shrimp and Lobster

A great aphrodisiac, lobster is said to get the blood pumping around the body and the tastebuds tingling to boot. Along with shrimp and langoustines, it can be a deliciously messy and seductive meal too.

Pastry and Dessert Lessons

A delicious pudding or dessert is just what you need to get you in the mood. Throw in a few aphrodisiac ingredients, like chocolate and cherries, and you are away. A couple’s cooking class to prepare something for your sweet tooth is an intimate choice for lovebirds.


Mixology Class

Learning how to make cocktails is another great way to bond with your partner. You can pick up some tips about how to make the best aphrodisiac cocktails with fresh ingredients so that you still feel fresh, bright-eyed and bushy tailed the morning after.

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