The Perfect Blend Hindu Indian Weddings and Mexico

The Perfect Blend: Hindu Indian Weddings and Mexico

For many years, Mexico has topped the list of destination wedding locations for those looking to get married outside their own country. The naturally beautiful locales, both on the coast and further inland, create incredible venues for all types of weddings and the versatility and acceptance of the people make it the ideal place for ceremonies from many different cultures. From the white, sandy shores of Cancun and Riviera Maya to the mountainous seaside escapes of Puerto Vallarta and the desert climes of Cabo San Lucas, Mexico is the perfect place for those planning a traditional Indian wedding, whatever your religious traditions.

With a surge of Hindu Indian weddings choosing Mexico as their host, many resorts throughout Mexico have begun preparing the ideal setup for traditional Indian weddings, which typically include a multiple day event at different venues, a large guest list and a variety of colorful ceremonies. When choosing Mexico for your wedding, one can expect a majestic affair, where the various religious traditions, rituals and customs of both the bride, groom and their families are carried out in a respectful manner. The intricate attention to detail, style, comfort and luxury are all of utmost importance and the traditions found in India, including Hindu, Jain, Sikh and Muslim, seem to be effortlessly transported to the beautiful coasts of Mexico.

A Three-Day or more Hindu Indian Wedding in Mexico
As with most traditional Indian weddings, a multiple-day event is the ideal way to ensure that all the customs and traditions are included. On the first day, an elegant welcoming party for the guests of the bride and groom ensures that the event gets off on the right foot. In Mexico, the vast array of luxurious resorts that offer expansive terraces overlooking supernal landscapes, make great venues for the welcoming party. Their natural beauty and sublime ambiance set the tone for a magical affair.

On the second day, spacious penthouse suites and roof-top terraces make the ideal venues for Haldi and Mehendi ceremonies, each venue offering the perfect space for the bride and groom and their respective families.

Haldi Ceremony

Haldi Ceremony
The Haldi ceremony involves a ritual holy bath where turmeric (Haldi) oil, sandalwood and rosewater are applied to both the bride and groom’s feet, knees, arms, hands and face by the married women of the family. Acting as a cleanser for the body and soul, the Haldi ceremony is of extreme importance to many Indian traditions.

Mehendi Ceremony
The Mehendi ceremony, which involves only the bride and the women in her family, is a vibrant ritual in which the bride’s hands and feet are covered in beautiful patterns with the use of henna. After these two ceremonies, another tradition, called Sangeet, takes place in which the bride meets the members of her new family. The various dining options at many resorts make the perfect location for Sangeet, an informal pre-wedding party where music, dancing and laughter take center stage.

On the third and most formal day of a traditional Hindu Indian wedding, a Baraat custom, allows for the arrival of the groom, typically on horseback, along with his family to meet that of the bride’s at an official wedding venue. Beach resorts or places with exorbitant amounts of space make the ideal venues for affairs of such grandeur. During the next stage of the wedding, the bride, accompanied by her father and her unmarried cousins, arrives, completing the wedding party.

Indian weddings

As with most Indian weddings of all traditions, a three hour ceremony is to follow, which includes an intricate series of rituals and prayers. In accordance with the customs and traditions of the selected families, professional wedding coordinators throughout Mexico can make sure that all the needs and desires of the bride, groom and their families are met during this important event.

Mexico is becoming a more and more popular choice for those seeking out traditional weddings in exotic destinations. Indian families living in Canada, the United States and even India are finding magical venues and the perfect details in the friendly nation. The year-round nearly perfect weather, variety of amazing destinations and first-class hospitality make Mexico the perfect choice for the destination wedding of your dreams, regardless of culture or traditions.

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