Mega-Moons: The Newest Way to Celebrate Your Nuptials

Mega-Moons: The Newest Way to Celebrate Your Nuptials

Anyone who has ever been married knows that planning a wedding is a ton of work. As magical as the big day may be, making it to the altar can be a long and arduous journey. There are dresses to be fitted, seating charts to be arranged, caterers to be met with, flowers to be picked and occasionally some family drama to be dealt with. So after all the excitement of the big day is over, it’s understandable that the bride and groom may be ready for a long break, which is exactly why taking a mega-moon has become such a popular alternative to the traditional honeymoon.  

Mega-moons, a long escape (or recovery!)

Mega-moons, a long escape (or recovery!)

Heading out on a mega-moon, the newest way to celebrate your nuptials, actually means returning to the traditional way of honeymooning, back to the times when honeymoons lasted a whole moon cycle or more! Instead of the typical one or two week vacation that we are now accustomed to having in the western world, newlyweds are taking off on around-the-world adventures, lasting anywhere from 3 weeks to a year. It is, quite literally, the perfect way to start off a lifetime with the one you love, while making memories that will last forever.

Time to Really Connect

Time to Really Connect

Some couples see mega-moons as a chance to grow closer to their partner, while experiencing the world side by side.  Some couples have dreamt of traveling for a long time but always put it off because it just wasn’t the right moment; and others relish the idea of taking an extended vacation just when emotions are at their height and the romance is undeniable.  When planning a mega-moon there are several common questions that couples ask. What does our dream honeymoon look like? Is it feasible financially? What do we ultimately want to get out of our trip? Planning to take a year, or even a month off from work and our everyday lives may seem impossible to some, but with careful planning and a commitment to saving, it is absolutely doable.

How to plan a mega-moon

Before heading out on this grand adventure, couples must decide what kind of trip they are looking for.  Is soaking up the sun and drinking margaritas on the beach in Mexico your idea of an ideal vacation?  Does visiting the historic sites that have made our past so interesting delight and inspire you? Would you and your loved one prefer spending time exploring the hustle and bustle of the major cities of the world? Or is a compromise possible, where you spend a week on the beach and another exploring a new city?  The beauty of a mega-moon is that anything is possible and as long as you can afford it financially, the options are limitless.

Time is on your side

Time is on your side

Many mega-mooners even travel to different destinations within a single country, or they bounce around from one to the next, taking advantage of the proximity of nations in regions such as Latin America and Europe or the multitude of unbelievable destinations in countries such as Mexico. The beauty of having an extended honeymoon is that you have time to do and see a little bit of everything instead of trying to cram it all into a two-week trip. Why not go skydiving one day, relax at the hotel or the beach another day, and take in historical sites the next? With a mega-moon, there are no rules, so you and your partner have the freedom to make your honeymoon whatever you wish it to be.  
No matter how long you decide to make your mega-moon, whether it be a few weeks or an entire year, you’ll reach a new level of togetherness and hopefully a new sense of adventure that will stick with you for years to come.

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