Meeting the Man or Woman of Your Dreams – A Where To Guide

Finding your soulmate is a common goal amongst single men and women who long for the companionship and love that comes with a serious relationship. While it’s fair to say that not all men and women are looking for true love or the man or woman of their dreams, there comes a point where even the least likely candidates for commitment opt to settle down.

So where do these singles go to meet the man or woman of their dreams? It seems the most unsuspecting locations make the best places to find that special person. Here are a few of the top places to meet someone when you’re looking to settle down.

1. A Friendly Get Together
There is no better way to find someone who you share common interests with than through your friends. While being set up on a date isn’t exactly ideal, spending time at house parties, backyard bbq’s and close-knit shin-digs is a great way to meet other singles. Not only are your friends most likely good judges of character, but couples usually tend to attract other couples or people who want to be less single. Your best friend’s husband might have an interesting co-worker or your brother’s girl might have a slew of eligible ladies who are intrigued by the same things you are. And if no one is throwing a friendly get together this weekend, invite everyone over to your house and encourage them to bring other friends.

The Supermarket

2. The Supermarket
Everyone has to eat, so in between the moms picking up dinner and the families filling their grocery cart, you can usually find an attractive individual doing their weekly shopping. Get the conversation started by offering advice on an item they are picking out, letting them pass you in the checkout lane or simply asking if they know a good bottle of wine to try. You can also learn a great deal about a person by checking out what they’ve got in their cart.

On Vacation

3. On Vacation
Although holiday romances are famed for short-lived affairs, you might be surprised how many people have met the man or woman of their dreams on vacation. People are more relaxed on vacation, which makes it easier to get to know the opposite sex in a non-threatening environment. Waiting for your flight to your vacation destination is also a good spot to look for potential partners as you can be pretty sure that they live close enough to you that a relationship is possible (stopovers are a little more tricky, of course!).

The Hardware Store

4. The Hardware Store
It might sound cliche, but there are hordes of do-it-yourselfers and damsels in distress at the local hardware store. Peruse the aisles and you’re likely to find at least a few singles who could either use some handy tips or who wouldn’t mind lending a helping hand. This goes both ways of course, not all men who head to the hardware shop know what they’re doing and not all women need a man to do their handy work, but there does tend to be an overwhelming number of people who could use an opinion on a design or help locating the right kind of wood for their project.

The Dog Park

5. The Dog Park
It goes without saying that where you can find man’s best friend, you’ll find a man. The dog park is a great place to meet individuals who share a love for our four legged friends. Chat it up about dog breeds, about how well-behaved his or her dog is or about how cute they look together.

A Coffee Shop or the Local Cafe

6. A Coffee Shop or the Local Cafe
A quiet coffee shop or small cafe makes a great place to meet the man or woman of your dreams. The soothing ambiance and great aromas will have you feeling at ease and offering to refill someone’s cup can be a great way to break the ice.

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