Falling in love is a phenomenon that is universal to being human, something we have all experienced at some point or another in our lives. It generally begins with a strong physical attraction, and you suddenly find yourself completely enamored and preoccupied by thoughts about the other person. You can’t get enough of them and wish to spend as much time with them as possible, preferably involving physical contact. The desire to share experiences with this other person can sometimes be overwhelming. Why else would some of the greatest songs of all time be written about this very subject?
When you fall in love
As you fall in love with someone, the giddy excitement you feel for this other person is sure to cloud your judgement, at times making it difficult to see them for who they truly are. We often fantasize about the future we will spend together, and these dreamy scenarios that our minds come up with can cause us to lose touch with reality, at least a little bit. You may find yourself lost in an uncontrollably powerful attraction that allows little room for you to focus on anything else.
How long does it take to fall in love?
So, what is the timeframe in which falling in love can occur? It is true that some people do fall in love over time with feelings developing further as the relationship continues. However, falling in love is typically something that develops rapidly. The phrase “falling in love” couldn’t be a more appropriate way to describe the sensation, since it is something that feels beyond our control similar to falling down or tripping. Countless people report that they have fallen in love at first sight, and while the idea may be hard to grasp for some of us, it does happen. If you have ever had an encounter with a perfect stranger whom you were immediately drawn to, who you thought about for days, weeks, months or even years after seeing them, even if your paths never crossed again, you have indeed experienced it.
Physical Attraction
We can learn quite a lot about a person simply through observation, during which we take note on everything from the way they are dressed and groomed to the way in which they interact with others, clueing us in on their personality without a single word exchanged. Of course, traits that are appealing to one person can be absolute turn-offs to someone else, which is part of the reason falling in love is so fascinating. It is often an involuntary process and something we may even try to avoid.
When the time is right
Timing and circumstance are obviously important factors, too. Love can enter our lives at the wrong time, and anyone who has done their fair share of dating will attest to the fact that we often fall in love with people who are clearly wrong for us. In some situations, we are unable to pinpoint exactly what it is that attracts us to this other person so strongly.
The bottom line is that as humans, it can take very little for us to fall in love, even if we cannot explain why we do!