Choosing the Date for your Wedding

After you exit from the haze of excitement that an affirmative wedding proposal causes, you will, presumably, want to start thinking about your plans! The date on which you plan to be married has a great effect upon your wedding; choosing the right season for your preferred wedding can make all the difference, while a poor choice can make your job that much harder by making it difficult or expensive for guests to attend.

Here are some tips for choosing the date for your wedding.

Consider the weather

First, you should discuss with your future spouse how you imagine your perfect big day, and then work together to get as close to this as possible. If you would ideally love to have an outdoor wedding in a woodland setting, for example, then you might start out by researching the most sunny periods in the area you wish to be in. If you don’t mind about traveling for your wedding and really want to be outside in the sun, then you might consider going abroad for a destination wedding. The coastal regions of Mexico, for example, get year round sunshine!


Significant Dates

Setting the date for your wedding can be done in many ways; some choose for convenience, while others prefer to have a day that means something to them. This could mean birthdays, the anniversary of a first date, the birth of a child, or of course any one of the numerous public holidays.

Valentines Day, for example, is an enduringly popular choice because of the romantic connotations, but other public holidays are equally as appealing because marrying on a public holiday often means that you can have a Sunday wedding, which are generally much cheaper than a Saturday wedding. Also, guests who might otherwise have to take the day off work can enjoy the long weekend.

There are, of course, some public holidays which cause more trouble than they do good; Mother’s and Father’s Day, Christmas, and New Year, as well as huge sporting events like the Super Bowl, might make attending difficult for some guests. Furthermore, keep in mind that your anniversaries will be on this date, too, for the rest of your married life! So wrangling thirty or forty relatives away from Super Bowl Sunday, or having them turn up in fancy dress on Halloween, for an anniversary party might be too much trouble.

In relation to all this, going abroad is quite an easy way to do things; a smaller, more intimate ceremony means less drama, and if everyone is on vacation for a week for your wedding everyday’s a weekend!

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