Welcome to Love Affair by Tafer Hotels & Resorts

For millennia, love has been an endless source of inspiration, shaping the way we live our lives, write our literature and interpret the world around us. Although the idea of romantic love was only popularized relatively recently during the 15th and 16th centuries with the words of poets like William Shakespeare, Francesco Petrarch and Edmund Spenser, the human expression of love, traditions and customs trail into prehistoric times.

Our Love Affair blog by Tafer Hotels & Resorts is a celebration of all things related to love, including weddings tips, honeymoon ideas, ways to find love, places to visit with your favorite person and activities to enjoy. Intended to extend your inspiration, you can read articles, watch videos and scan photos about a host of different love themes. Here, we will collect ideas and articles from Tafer’s wedding planners, hospitality service managers and editorial team, delivering quality information to spur your creativity and ideas on the theme of love and romance.

If you have any tips you would like to share or suggestions for future articles, please leave a comment in the box below. While love is a constant, it changes its face throughout time and culture; so your contributions are what will make this exploration of this universal topic all the more richer.

“Where there is love, there is life.” – Mahatma Gandhi


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