Honeymoon Art

Honeymoon Art – Your First Purchase as Mr. and Mrs

It isn’t hard to imagine why so many people say art is emotional. From the first strokes taken by a painter to the distinct reactions by collectors, emotions are always present. Purchasing a painting or piece of artwork, when emotions are running high, can be a great way to capture the moment and excitement of a memorable experience, and that is just why so many newlyweds are opting to take home a piece of artwork while on their honeymoon. For newlyweds, it not only makes for a unique keepsake from a memorable honeymoon, but it can also be a meaningful way to start decorating your new life together.

A Unique Keepsake from a Memorable Honeymoon

While choosing a piece of artwork for your house can be a difficult task, it can also be a unique way to mark your life together as Mr. and Mrs. Together, choosing a piece of artwork can be the start of a great tradition, or it can simply be one piece that will always remind you of the marital bliss of such an exciting time. Regardless of your long term intentions, there are some things to consider when purchasing a work of art together.

1. Compromise
While all art is emotional, it doesn’t always bring about the same emotions for every individual. Your interpretations of a work of art might be very different so make sure both you and your partner absolutely love a piece before taking it home.

2. Where will is hang?
Have a clear idea of where you would like to display your new artwork and make sure you choose something that not only fits the space but also your style. The beautiful gesture of buying a work of art together will lose all meaning if it is tossed aside and forgotten about when you get home.

Where will is hang

3. Meaningful Choices
Choose something representative of the place you’ve visited and make sure it is a one of a kind. A great way to do this is to buy from local artists or indigenous groups who sell their artwork at local markets or on the street. In Puerto Vallarta for example, Huichol Indians sell their beautiful artwork along the Malecon, a mile long promenade at the center of town. Not only is their work unique, but it is distinct to that particular region of Mexico.

4. Make it an Event
Make purchasing your piece of artwork an event in itself. Go on an artwork, stroll around town with your loved one, or visit various galleries throughout your vacation destination. In some common honeymoon destinations, like Cabo San Lucas or Puerto Vallarta, there are a slew of chic art galleries where you can find both interesting and unique works of art.

Make it an Event

5. Cherish your piece of art
It doesn’t matter if it cost $2 or a $1000, it will bring back nostalgic memories for years to come. Every time you pass by that painting in the hallway or that sculpture on the mantle, you’ll remember a beautiful moment and an epic honeymoon.

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