The best first dates

Best First dates

The first date with someone is very important. If you are the one setting up the first date, then you need to get the mood and tone just right. If you don’t want to look too keen then a relaxed date may be the right way to go, but if you are prepared to pull out all the stops and make an incredible impression, then going that extra mile means focusing on the details. You may want to show you can think outside of the box and create an unusual first date so that the one you like remembers you and wants another one. Whatever date you do choose, it has to be right for the person you’re planning it for; and try to make it so it can buffer any awkwardness you may be feeling.

Couple hiking happy

Here are some great ideas for first dates that you might like to try:

Walking Tours

Walking tours make for a rather relaxed first date but are also a little outside of the box. If you live in the same town or city and want to impress your date with something a little different then why not book a food or walking tour. You don’t even need a guide you could do some research beforehand and impress your date with your new found knowledge. This is fun and not to full on. This kind of date gives you the chance to talk but fill any awkward moments with facts or perhaps sampling a drink or food from a quirky vendor or restaurant along the way. Unlike sitting across from someone at dinner, this date avoids any awkward silences as there is always something to look at and being outside can naturally move on conversation rapidly.


If you know your date likes to play or watch sport then this is a great first date. You can impress while at the same time having a laugh. You could play tennis or golf. You could take them to prestigious sport event which will impress. This kind of first date will avoid any awkward silences as the game will override this. You have points to keep score of and competitive flirting that is always fun to do. If you didn’t want to continue the date further with a drink or dinner because you have realized the chemistry is just not there, then this type of date is great for ending it without being too abrupt. The end of the game can be a natural ending point.

A New Activity

Why not go on a new activity with your date that is something you wouldn’t normally do. Perhaps you have always wanted to have a go at pottery making or you like the idea of painting. You could organize for an evening of painting where a teacher guides you and you can get to know your date whilst learning a new skill. You could go on a cooking course, where you work together to create some yummy creations. This is always fun as you can flirt up a storm whilst feeding each other. These types of dates are good to see if your date is good when out of their comfort zone and up for new things. Try not to choose an activity that you know beforehand that you are really good at, as this is off putting and may appear like you are showing off.  

A Romantic Day Out

Pull out all the stops and create the perfect romantic day for your first date. You could take a sunset sail on a luxury boat if money is no problem. You could go up in a hot air balloon and really become intimate away from the stresses of land. You could make it simple and create a picnic and take your date to a secluded spot where you can really get to know them well. These options are pure romance but they can be awkward if you are unable to have an exit plan and are best if you already know the person well or you are certain you both have strong feelings for one another. Not recommended for a blind date or if you are just testing the waters.

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