How to Lose Weight Before Your Big Day

Having a svelte figure on your big day can be stressful and challenging to achieve. Stress and pressure makes it almost impossible for some women to fit into their dress and weight gain prior to a wedding is very common, despite your desperate attempts to count calories. Here are a few tips to help you stay fit, drop some extra pounds and fit into your beloved gown.

Alternatives to the gym

Alternatives to the gym

You don’t have to join a gym, head to crossfit or sign up for yoga class if that is something you are not already doing. As it is, you are probably not finding enough hours in the day to get everything you want done, so adding the burden of joining a gym is probably not realistic. The best alternative is to slip exercise and better habits into your everyday schedule.

  • Take the stairs at work or anywhere you visit. This will firm up your rear end. Stairs are a great calorie burner.
  • Leave your car in the garage. Walk to your destinations if possible and park your car some distance away from wherever you are going. Enjoy a brisk stroll that will give you time for thought and some planning. If you have a “talk to text” app, this will allow you to take notes on any wedding tasks that need to be taken care.

Controlling your calorie intake

Controlling your calorie intake

Again, following a strict diet is perhaps not going to help your stress levels, so try to bring healthy habits into your routine.

  • Water. Make sure to drink more than 8 glasses of water. Water can help flush the body of toxins making you feel fabulous, which in turn, help you to retain less water. Also, sometimes we believe we are hungry when we are, in fact, thirsty. Filling up on water can save us some hunger pangs and unnecessary calories.
  • Avoid eating out. When going out to dinner you might be tempted to drink alcohol, and eat more than you would at home. Try to pack your lunch for work and eat at home. Stock your fridge with beautiful fruits and vegetables so that this is all you have to choose from.
  • Let your mother-in-law do the cake and food sampling. When it comes time to sample what you will be offering at the wedding, allow your mother-in-law to ingest the high calorie offerings.
  • Drinking. Avoid unnecessary liquid calories, which includes alcohol, pop and concentrated fruit juices. Stress can bring on the urge to drink like a fish before the special date. Try to avoid alcohol as much as possible as hidden calories can sneak up and destroy your waistline prior to your wedding date. If you must drink, replace your normal jumbo glass of wine for a white wine spritzer made with mineral water.

Stay positive, breathe deeply and tell yourself: this day is going to be amazing no matter the size of my waistline.

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