How Leaving the Kids at Home Can Save Your Marriage

How Leaving the Kids at Home Can Save Your Marriage

Heading out on a family vacation is a great way to create memories that will last a lifetime, but if you want your marriage to last as long, you might consider leaving the kids at home.  Experts say traveling alone or in the company of a significant other is the best way to ensure your lifelong commitment is just that, a marriage that stands the test of time.  In a world where children can be so demanding, traveling to a place where you can focus on yourselves for a while is just what the therapist ordered.  

  1. Finding What Makes YOU Happy!

Finding What Makes YOU Happy!

Investing in your happiness goes a long way, not only for yourself, but for those who surround you as well.  Respected psychologists agree that people who take the time to ensure their own goals and needs are met, tend to be happier people in general.  Signs of happiness are great tools for keeping relationships strong and they teach children that loving interactions are extremely important.  When you make a commitment to a weekly date night or to traveling without your children, you place an emphasis on your own happiness and on your relationship, which fundamentally benefits your children as well.

  1. Remembering Why You Fell In Love

Remembering Why You Fell In Love

Romantic rendezvous’ and weekend getaways for two are the perfect way to show your lover just how much you care and they allow you to nurture a relationship that existed before children were around.  In fact, escaping on a vacation can be a great way to remind yourselves what life was like when you had all the time in the world to focus on each other.  You might find yourself enamored by all the wonderful things about your spouse that you forgot even existed.  

  1. Having Fun Together

Having Fun Together

Once children are in the picture, adults often forget what it means to have fun.  Instead, they spend all their time trying to entertain the little ones, and while that can be extremely rewarding, it is also important for adults to have fun on their own.  On your next adult only vacation, make it a point to have fun.  Head out on an extreme adventure, do something you wouldn’t normally do, laugh until you cry and simply do what YOU enjoy.

  1. Get a GOOD Night’s Sleep

Get a GOOD Night’s Sleep

As parents, especially of young children, getting a good night’s sleep can be a thing of the past.  Constant exhaustion and restless nights can cause you to be physically and emotionally tired, both of which can wreak havoc on your love life.  Spend time on your vacation lounging by the pool, relaxing in the hot tub, indulging at the spa or cat napping in the privacy of your hotel suite.  However you do it, find time to get some rest and watch how your relationship benefits from the extra energy and heightened mood.  

  1. Be Intimate

Be Intimate

Finding the perfect moment to be intimate with kids around can be a daunting task.  Unfortunately, many parents succumb to the idea that there simply isn’t time for romantic gestures, which is an essential part of any healthy relationship.  While on vacation without the kids, you’ll have plenty of time to canoodle with one another and you should definitely take advantage of it.  It simply isn’t enough to say “I love you,” people need to feel it.  So, hold hands as if you were teenagers again, kiss like you might never get another chance and embrace each other and the time you have together.  

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